

传说 1


It takes two to tango

It takes two to tango is a common idiomatic expression which suggests something in which more than one person or other entity are paired in an inextricably-related and active manner, occasionally with negative connotations.

The tango is a dance which requires two partners moving in relation to each other, sometimes in tandem, sometimes in opposition. The meaning of this expression has been extended to include any situation in which the two partners are by definition understood to be essential -- as in, a marriage with only one partner ceases to be a marriage.

The phrase originated in a song, Takes Two to Tango, which was written and composed in 1952 by Al Hoffman and Dick Manning. The lyrics and melody were popularized by singer Pearl Bailey's 1952 recording.
Tango Dance

The phrase was reported widely in the international media when Ronald Reagan quipped about Russian-American relations during a 1982 presidential news conference. Reagan said, :"For ten years détente was based on words by them [the Russians] and not any words to back them up. And we need some action that they — it takes two to tango — that they want to tango also." Since that time, the tango metaphor has appeared regularly in the headline of the international press. The phrase has gained currency as a proverb in loan translation in other languages.






“Elvis has left the building!”

Elvis Presley

“Elvis has left the building!” means “ the show is over, please go home.” The phrase was often used by public address announcers following Elvis Presley concerts to disperse audiences who lingered in hopes of an encore. It has since become a popular culture catchphrase and punchline.

It was first used by promoter Horace Lee Logan on December 15, 1956, to plead with concert goers not to leave a concert hall to try to see Elvis as he left and instead remain to see the other acts on the bill. The full quotation was "Please, young people. Elvis has left the building. He has gotten in his car and driven away. Please take your seats." Throughout the 1970s, the phrase was captured on record several times, spoken by Al Dvorin.  In later years the phrase would be spoken by some of Presley's backup singers to calm down the audience after concerts.

The phrase has since become a popular culture catchphrase and punchline, used to refer to anyone who has exited in some sense. For instance, it might be used when someone makes a dramatic exit, such as at the end of an argument, partly to relieve tension among those who remain. Baseball announcers on radio or television sometimes use the phrase as a humorous way to describe a home run, which is typically hit over the outfield fence and into the stands, thus leaving the field of play.



在中文规范里,确实有“白金”这个词汇,只是它的真正意思是一种金属元素,多用来制作耐腐蚀的化学仪器,也用来做催化剂。在古代,白金也指银子。如在《史记 品准书》里:金有三等,黄金为上,白金为中,赤金为下。白金的通称为
“帛” 是丝织品的总称,丝织品在古时是贵重物,“财帛”之意就泛指金钱。从前人们生活不富裕,亲友家里发丧,出席丧礼的都会送些钱,帮补一下亲友办丧事支出,除了是对死去的人聊表心意,也实实际际地补贴一下在生的人。这笔放在钱是为“帛金”。

贝部》新附对的解释为赙,助也。”《玉篇 贝部》对的解释为赙,以钱财助丧也”,例如在《谷梁传隐公元年》里的便有说道:“贝玉曰含(含便是指办丧事放在死者口中的珠玉等,钱财曰赙。”

A bed of roses vs American Beauty

The idiom “a bed of roses” is often used to describe a pleasant or easy situation. The phrase is actually originated from the poet, Christopher Marlowe's “The Passionate Shepherd To His Love”.
Come live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove
That valleys, groves, hills, and fields,
Woods or steepy mountain yields.
And we will sit upon the rocks,
Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks,
By shallow rivers to whose falls
Melodious birds sing madrigals.
And I will make thee beds of roses And a thousand fragrant posies,
A cap of flowers, and a kirtle
Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle;
A gown made of the finest wool
Which from our pretty lambs we pull;
Fair lined slippers for the cold,
With buckles of the purest gold;
A belt of straw and ivy buds,
With coral clasps and amber studs:
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Come live with me and be my love.
The shepherds' swains shall dance and sing
For thy delight each May morning:
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me and be my love.

Here, Marlowe was referring to real flowers. The phrase has since come to be used figuratively to refer to any easy and pleasant situation - floral or otherwise.
The literal interpretation of the phrase was taken up again in the imagery for the 1999 film “American Beauty”. The commercial potential of that imagery was soon exploited and 'Bed of Roses' bath kits were soon on sale. They rather spoiled the effect by using the blurb 'if you want to re-create the inimitable scene from American Beauty...'.



指每月初八、十八、二十八日。 王得臣 《麈史·谐谑》:都城 相国寺 最据冲会,每月朔望三八日即开,伎巧百工列肆罔有不集。 楼钥 《北行日录》卷下:相国寺 如故,每月亦以三八日开寺。





三八式步枪。 《东北人民抗日歌谣选·不用愁》:没有枪炮不算啥,打死鬼子扛三八。周立波《暴风骤雨》第一部十九:萧队长 侧着耳朵听一会,说道:还远,离这一里多地。那一声是三八,这一声是连珠。’”



Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo is a grammatically valid sentence in the English language, used as an example of how homonyms and homophones can be used to create complicated linguistic constructs.
It has been discussed in literature since 1972 when the sentence was used by William J. Rapaport, an associate professor at the University at Buffalo.
It was posted to Linguist List by Rapaport in 1992.

It was also featured in Steven Pinker's 1994 bookThe Language Instinct.
Other English words can be used to make grammatical (but not necessarily meaningful) sentences of this form, containing endless consecutive repetitions. Any word that is both an animate plural noun and a transitive verb will work. Other words which can be used in this manner include police, fish, smelt, char, people, can, and bream.
A somewhat similar un-punctuated example is "James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher". This could concern a situation in an English class regarding the usage of the word had, and might be punctuated as, "James, while John had had 'had', had had 'had had'; 'had had' had had a better effect on the teacher."



平话字(Bàng-uâ-cê 也称作 “福州话罗马字”,是19世纪早期来福州传教士根据福州话韵书戚林八音》设计出的一种罗马化文字,英文也称作“Foochow Romanized”。平话字从最初的方案到标准化经历了一系列的变化,于19世纪下半叶定型。

虽然在传教士时代, 有人企望用平话字取代汉字, 但这已经成为过去。
要想读懂平话字的文章, 或者要想用平话字书写文章,人们要先对福州语的常用汉字读音有完全且正确的了解。因为平话字是音素文字,很讲究字音准确,如果某个字的声调或者韵母或者声母写错, 都可能影响到阅读理解。


词职者开张新禧 Opening



After a long time preparation, the official website of "Work With Words"(WWW) is finally completed!  Not deny, the progress of building the website has been delayed for times. Yet, we  did not waste the time by thinking and establishing the future direction of WWW. I believe bright future is awaiting WWW.

Today, I am here to officially announce the official website of Work With Words!